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Coronavirus in Lviv Oblast

During the 7th week of 2023, 4,861 tests for COVID-19 were conducted, of which 772 were positive compared to 537 in the 6th week and 257 in the 5th week. Thus, there is an increase in the number of patients with COVID-19 by 43% compared to the previous week. 3 deaths from COVID-19 were registered. 258 patients are in the hospital against 183 in the previous week - an increase of 41%. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 326,726 cases have been registered in Lviv Oblast. Lethal - 6860.

1,092,975 people were vaccinated against coronavirus with one dose, 1,032,138 people received the second dose, 188,631 people received the first booster, and 12,948 residents of Lviv Oblast received the second booster.

The Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine reminds


on caring for a patient with COVID-19 at home

1. The patient should be placed in a well-ventilated room.

2. The number of people caring for the patient should be limited - appoint one person not from the category of risk of developing complications. Visits are prohibited.

3. Household members should be in a separate room or, if this is not possible, maintain a distance of at least one meter from the patient (for example, sleep in a separate bed). An exception may be a breastfeeding mother (given the benefits of breastfeeding and the small role of breast milk in the transmission of the virus, the mother may continue to breastfeed; at the same time, she should wear a medical (surgical) mask when she is near the baby and carefully observe hand hygiene before close contact with the child).

4. Patient movement should be restricted and shared space should be minimized (ensure common areas (e.g. kitchen, bathroom) are well ventilated (e.g. keep windows open).

5. The person providing care must wear a medical (surgical) mask covering the mouth and nose when in the same room as the patient. Do not touch the mask while wearing it. If the mask becomes wet or dirty, it must be changed immediately. Only disposable masks should be used and hand hygiene should be carried out after removing them.

6. Hand hygiene should be carried out after any contact with the patient or his immediate environment. Hand hygiene practices, by washing them with soap and water, should be performed before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, and whenever hands are visibly soiled. If the hands are visibly clean, it is recommended to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for hand hygiene.

7. It is recommended to use disposable paper towels to dry hands after washing with soap and water. If paper towels are not available, provide each household member with an individual cloth towel and replace them as soon as they become damp.

8. Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette should be observed - cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with disposable paper napkins, cloth napkins (wash before reuse). If there are no tissues, you should sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow. After each act of coughing or sneezing, hand hygiene should be practiced (washing with soap and water or treatment with an alcohol-based antiseptic).

9. It is necessary to abandon the repeated use of tissues and other reusable materials for oral or nasal hygiene. If this is not possible, clean them appropriately after use (for example, wash the handkerchiefs using regular soap or detergent and water).

10. Direct unprotected contact with the patient's biological fluids should be avoided - use disposable medical gloves (preferably nitrile) for oral care and when handling physiological excrement and medical waste. Hand hygiene should be practiced before and after removing medical gloves.

11. Gloves, cloths, masks and other waste generated as a result of patient care should be placed in a separate container (polyethylene bag) in the same room where the patient is, before their disposal.

12. Other types of possible ingress of the patient's biological fluids or objects contaminated by them into the immediate environment of healthy people should be avoided (for example, avoid sharing toothbrushes, cigarettes, sharing dishes and bed linen). After individual use, the dishes must be washed with soap or detergent and water and reused (the dishes should not be thrown away/disposed of).

13. It is necessary to clean and disinfect the surfaces in the patient's immediate environment (for example, bedside tables) daily with a common household detergent and disinfectant.

14. Bathroom and toilet surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day with a common household detergent and disinfectant.

15. It is necessary to wash clothes, bed linen, towels for the bath and hands of patients using ordinary soap and water. For machine washing, it is recommended to set temperature regimes of 60 - 90° C and use ordinary washing powders. After washing, any things should be redry thoroughly.

It is allowed to collect soiled laundry in a common laundry bag. It is forbidden to shake dirty laundry. It is necessary to avoid direct contact of skin and clothing with contaminated linen.

16. Disposable medical gloves and a disposable apron (for example, made of cellophane) should be used when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, clothes or underwear contaminated with the patient's biological fluids. Hand hygiene should be practiced before and after removing medical gloves.

{Appendix 10 in the edition of Orders of the Ministry of Health No. 1411 dated 06.16.2020, No. 2122 dated 09.17.2020, No. 230 dated 02.04.2022}


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