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And what's next?

On May 5, the World Health Organization announced the end of the pandemic status for the disease Covid-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The pandemic due to the coronavirus was declared more than three years ago, on March 11, 2019. As of the beginning of May 2023, WHO confirmed more than 765 million cases of the disease in the world, almost 7 million of which were fatal.

Lviv region was not spared this trouble either. During the pandemic period, as of May 5, 2023, 333,949 cases of COVID-19 were registered in the region and almost 7,000 people died.

The virus has not gone anywhere and will not go anywhere. He still kills. As before, there is a risk that new variants will emerge, causing outbreaks of disease and death that may affect both adults and children. Recently, an 8-year-old boy was treated in the region, in whom the transferred coronavirus provoked severe complications, in particular, viral myocarditis and pneumonia.

What to do and how to protect yourself from the disease?

Of course, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, without harmful habits, eat rationally and fully, be physically active and exercise - all this strengthens the body's defenses against diseases, including those such as COVID-19.

But against this disease, as well as against ten more so-called "vaccine-controlled infections" (hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, whooping cough, rubella, hemophilic infection), there is and is universally recognized as effective a means of prevention is vaccination.

Regarding COVID-19, regardless of the end of the pandemic status, it is necessary to get vaccinated. Every week in the region there are more than 100 patients with this disease, we also have deaths.

In general, since the beginning of vaccination in the region, which is on February 25, 2021, as of the beginning of May of this year, 2,348,490 doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 have been administered, the first dose was given to 1,096,834 people (43.6% of the population), two doses - 1 035,387 people (41.2% of the population).

Vaccination against COVID-19 is necessary for people over 60 years old, with chronic diseases, especially with excess weight, diabetes, immunodeficiency states. It is worth remembering that vaccination, if it does not protect against the disease, will definitely not give it a difficult course with complications.

We remind you that vaccination against COVID-19 consists of two doses (one dose when using the Janssen vaccine), after 5 months of the first booster dose and after 4 months of the second booster dose.

Do not neglect the opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones from the danger of getting sick with COVID-19 by vaccination!

We work to keep you healthy!


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