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The effective work must continue!

The Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention continues to implement the "School without Nicotine and Tobacco" project among 10 schools in Lviv Oblast. Facts that encourage us not to stop: Every year, tobacco kills 8 million people — that's one person every four seconds! More than 7 million of these deaths are the result of direct tobacco use, while about 1.2 million deaths are the result of exposure to secondhand smoke. About 9 out of 10 smokers started smoking before the age of 18, and 99% - before the age of 26! More than 80% of the world's 1.8 billion young people (aged 10–24) live in developing countries. Aggressive marketing of the tobacco industry is directed at these countries. In Ukraine, smoking takes an average of 85,000 lives. Smoking causes no less damage to the economy: according to experts' calculations, annual economic losses amount to 3.2% of Ukraine's GDP or about UAH 90 billion due to early loss of working capacity by smokers, social benefits and treatment of diseases caused by smoking. Ukraine became the third country implementing the pilot project "Schools without nicotine and tobacco". In particular, the pilot project "Schools without nicotine and tobacco" was implemented during September-December 2022 in 10 schools of the Lviv region of the NGO "Center for Civic Representation "Life" in cooperation with the State Institution "Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" with the support of the WHO Bureau in Ukraine. According to the results of the project, we saw that the information campaign "Schools without nicotine and tobacco" had a positive effect on the awareness of representatives of the target audience regarding the risks of using nicotine and tobacco products and indicates the feasibility of continuing such information campaigns. That is why the "Lviv OTSKPH" State University, in cooperation with the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Oblast, continued this initiative for 10 new schools of the Lviv Region. The goal of the "School without nicotine and tobacco" project is to: protect the health of students, teachers and school staff from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and aerosols by preventing the initiation of smoking among schoolchildren and reducing the prevalence of smoking among students and teachers; protection from the harmful effects of second-hand tobacco smoke and secondary emissions from electronic smoking devices; creating a healthy, clean learning environment to improve student productivity and success. forming the knowledge of students and school staff about the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and aerosols, the effects of second-hand tobacco smoke and secondary emissions from electronic smoking devices, forming the commitment of students and school staff to the prevention and refusal of smoking or the use of nicotine or tobacco products For students of five schools specialists of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine held a lecture "Let's not smoke! Let's not vape!" #МиПрацюємоЩобВиБулиЗдорові#ШколаБез_нікотину_ітютюну


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