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Since the beginning of the full-scale war, many people have begun to complain about the deterioratio

Today we will talk about how you can improve concentration, which is extremely relevant before the start of the new school year.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, many people have begun to complain about the deterioration of concentration.

In fact, in most cases, it is a normal reaction to abnormal events, which we are witnesses and participants of, a consequence of daily stress and worries, lack of sleep and fatigue. Although sometimes the deterioration of concentration can be a symptom of diseases.

Today we will talk about how you can improve concentration, which is extremely relevant before the start of the new school year.

Concentration is the ability to focus attention on a certain object or activity and at the same time seem to "turn off" all other thoughts that are not part of the current activity. This is especially difficult to do if notifications from instant messengers, e-mail, and social networks pop up on a smartphone or laptop almost 24 hours a day. Being distracted by them and other factors reduces productivity – and more time is spent on routine tasks. In addition, the perception of information deteriorates - we often question what we have just heard, we do not remember well.

How to help yourself or a schoolboy or student concentrate better?

Give up multitasking.

Multitasking makes us feel more productive. But this is not so, because multitasking is a fast way to burnout. So don't do math homework while listening to your favorite artist or talking to a friend on the phone. This not only interferes with concentration, but also deteriorates the quality of the work performed.

Eliminate distractions.

We are so used to being inseparable from our smartphone that we often don't even notice how we reach out to check notifications. But it is very useful to practice time alone or time when no one and nothing distracts from tasks. Close social media and other apps, turn off notifications, and hide your phone as far as possible out of sight. Focus on completing what you need to do. It may not be easy at first, but with time you will get used to it.

Take breaks.

Focusing on one thing for a long period of time can lead to poor attention - that's how our brain works. So it's important to focus on another activity or do a little warm-up from time to time. This will help to regain concentration and maintain productivity.

When planning tasks, try the Pomodoro method - "breaking" work into intervals. Each one lasts 25 minutes, during which you have to work on the task. Then take a 5-minute break and work again for 25 minutes. After four working periods of time, you need to take a longer break - 15-30 minutes.

Adjust the routine of the day

Of course, we cannot influence the missile danger and the signals of air alarms, so that the sleep is continuous and sound, but there are things that depend only on us:

☛ turn off the TV and remove all screens an hour before bedtime;

☛ practice relaxation rituals before bed: listen to soothing music, read a book;

☛ go to bed at the same time every day;

☛ maintain a cool, comfortable temperature in the room.

It is also good to add daily physical activity to your life: morning exercise, walking, dancing, yoga, running - choose to your taste. However, avoid vigorous activity before bedtime.

Watch your diet

Cut back on sugary foods and drinks. Instead, choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, foods with a high fiber content, healthy fats. Make sure that your diet is balanced - for this, follow the rules of the "healthy food plate".

Train your brain.

Scientists prove that brain training improves cognitive abilities, including concentration. Make puzzles, solve crosswords and sudoku, learn to play chess.

Following these tips will help you and your schoolchild to become more attentive and faster to perform everyday work, so that you have time for communication with relatives and friends, which we value much more now - in times of war.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine


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