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How to protect yourself from salmonellosis

Salmonella are bacteria that cause intestinal infections: salmonellosis and typhoid. We tell you how to prevent these infections and what to do in case of infection.

Salmonella lives in the intestinal tract of animals and humans, so it spreads with feces through soil, water, food or any other contaminated surface.

Symptoms of salmonellosis are as follows: diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever, and there are cases of asymptomatic course of this infection. The first symptoms appear within three days after infection and last up to a week. However, a severe course of salmonellosis is also possible, as a result of which the so-called reactive arthritis develops, which lasts for months, and some people suffer from diarrhea for several months after recovery.

If you or your child has symptoms of an intestinal infection, tell your doctor, by phone, in particular. The doctor will direct your actions: it can be taking antibiotics, passing tests or simply preventing dehydration, because mild forms of salmonellosis go away without treatment. If the infection occurred within the boundaries of a children's camp, school, kindergarten, military unit or hospital, it should be reported to the doctor of the institution in order to quickly stop the spread of the infection.

People can become infected with salmonella through the following sources:

☛ foods of animal origin: beef, chicken, unpasteurized milk or eggs;

☛ vegetables and fruits that are dirty or washed with contaminated water;

☛ foods touched by an infected person with dirty hands;

☛ contact with domestic and wild animals, animal feces or the ground on which animals walk;

☛ contact with contaminated surfaces, followed by touching the face or food;

☛ lack of hygiene after using the toilet or changing diapers;

☛ consumption of unpasteurized milk or contaminated water.

It seems that it is very easy to get infected with salmonella and the danger is almost everywhere, especially in children's canteens, or under conditions of flooding and lack of water. In order to protect yourself from infection, you need to follow a number of rules.

Source: Ministry of Health


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