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Within what packages are free anesthesia?

In medical institutions having a NSAC Agreement of the National Health Service of Ukraine, anesthesia is included in the service provided and covered with a medical guarantee program. That is, the patient does not have to pay for anesthesia. Regardless of the planned, surgery or urgent, as well as in the case of other interventions, during diagnosis or treatment.

Within what packages are free anesthesia?

"Surgery for adults and children in hospital" and "Surgery for adults and children in a hospital setting" - providing anesthesia and anesthesiological monitoring during surgery and examinations.

"Medical care for childbirth" - a decrease in pain in a woman during childbirth, including epidural anesthesia, as well as anesthesia of surgical interventions and postpartum obstetric procedures.

Timely anesthesia at all stages of diagnosis and treatment is included in packages:

☛ "Dental Assistance to Adults and Children",

☛ "Inpatient care without surgery",

☛ "Acute brain stroke" medical care,

☛ "Medical care for acute myocardial infarction",

☛ Inpatient Psychiatric Aid,

☛ Inpatient palliative care,

☛ "Diagnosis and treatment of adults and children with tuberculosis in outpatient and inpatient conditions".

Pain assessment and timely anesthesia at all stages of diagnosis and treatment are included in the package of medical care to newborns in difficult neonatal cases.

Anesthesia and compulsory anesthesiological support together with the advice of anesthesiologist-during examinations for early detection of oncology: esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, hysteroscopy, cystoscopy and bronchoscopy.

Compulsory anesthesia during the performance of all painful invasive diagnostic procedures is provided by packages of chemiquerapeutic and radiological treatment of adults and children in hospital and outpatient conditions.

As well as in the package "Treatment and support of patients with hematological and oncohematological diseases in adults and children in outpatient and inpatient conditions"


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