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Where is the vaccine?

Vaccines included in the National Vaccination Calendar are free for patients. Currently, all vaccines required for immunization according to the Calendar are available in the country.

Vaccination saves millions of lives around the world. Most states have an approved list of mandatory preventive vaccinations and optimal dates for their administration. This list is included in the document - the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations. Ukraine is no exception.

Vaccinations against 10 infectious diseases are included in the National Calendar in Ukraine:


viral hepatitis B;

whooping cough;



bark beetle;

epidemic parotitis ("mumps");



hemophilic infection.

Vaccines included in the Calendar are free of charge for patients. Ukraine purchases them at the expense of the state budget or receives them as rubber aid. Currently, all vaccines required for immunization according to the Calendar are available in the country.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health often receives complaints about the lack of vaccines that are not purchased by the state (for example, against chicken pox, rotavirus or pneumococcal infections, etc.). They may be available on the private market, but you need to buy them at your own expense or from other sources not prohibited by law (for example, vaccinations against certain diseases may be provided by the employer).

Choosing to get these (recommended) vaccinations is always a very conscious step and we encourage you to get additional vaccinations whenever possible.

However, the Ministry of Health does not have the authority to regulate the number and list of vaccines that suppliers bring to the private market of Ukraine. Therefore, the Ministry of Health does not influence the availability of specific vaccines in pharmacies or private medical facilities.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine


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