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The theme of World Diabetes Day 2021-2023 is access to care for people with diabetes

World Diabetes Day was first established in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and WHO to coordinate the fight against diabetes worldwide.

This date was not chosen by chance. November 14 is the birthday of Frederick Bunting, a Canadian physiologist who discovered (together with John McLeod) the hormone insulin, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1923.

The discovery saved and continues to save the lives of millions of people. This day serves as a reminder to all progressive humanity that the prevalence of the disease is constantly increasing.

The theme of World Diabetes Day 2021-2023 is access to care for people with diabetes. According to expert estimates, without taking sufficient measures to combat the diabetes epidemic, by 2045 every 10th inhabitant of the planet may join the ranks of people with diabetes. Unfortunately, the disease rapidly "gets younger".

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin produced (a hormone that regulates blood sugar (glucose) levels).

As a result of uncontrolled diabetes, hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose level) occurs, which leads to damage to many body systems, especially nerves and blood vessels.

Adults with diabetes have two to three times the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The overall risk of death among people with diabetes is at least twice that of people of the same age who do not have diabetes.

6.2% of deaths in the world are related to diabetes

Decreased blood flow through the affected vessels in combination with damage to nerve endings significantly increases the risk of leg ulcers, their infection, and ultimately amputation.

Damage to the retina of the eye - diabetic retinopathy - occurs as a result of damage to small blood vessels and is the cause of 1% of cases of blindness.

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.

The main symptoms of diabetes: excessive urination, thirst, constant feeling of hunger, weight loss, feeling tired, impaired vision.

There are several types of diabetes: type I diabetes (insulin-dependent, as insulin is not produced enough), type II (non-insulin-dependent, the body uses insulin inefficiently) and gestational diabetes (during pregnancy).

Type II diabetes accounts for 90% of all diabetes cases in Europe. More than a million people die prematurely in Europe due to type II diabetes.

To protect yourself from type II diabetes:

Maintain a normal body weight, because for every 5 kg of increased weight, the risk of developing type II diabetes increases by almost 40%, and a weight loss of just 5% allows you to lower blood sugar levels, reduce the number of medications and make it easier to control diabetes.

Be physically active and devote at least 150 minutes a week to regular physical activity.

Eat a healthy diet and reduce sugar and saturated fat.

Give up alcohol and tobacco!

By the way, is an information resource created by the Center for Public Health of Ukraine and the Ukrainian-Swiss Acting for Health project for family doctors, people with diabetes and those who are concerned about health.

Prepared by: Svitlana Tsvitsinska — Head of the Department of Disinfectology, Department of Railway Transport of the "Lviv State Medical Center of the Ministry of Health"


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