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The quality of drinking water in the Lviv region. Research results for the first half of 2023

September 18 is World Water Quality Monitoring Day

In 2023, specialists of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine will conduct monitoring laboratory studies of drinking water of centralized and decentralized water supply.

Every month, drinking water from water supply and pumping stations that serve all water intakes of Lviv and the nearby cities of Vinnyki, Bryukhovychy and Rudno, as well as drinking water from control points of most cities of the region and individual villages, is examined.

In the first half of the year, 1,580 samples of drinking water were examined for sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators.

According to the research results, 7.7% of the samples did not meet the standards for microbiological indicators and 4.3% of the samples did not meet the standards for sanitary and chemical indicators. Parasitological contamination of drinking water was not detected.

What is the quality of water in the popular sources of Lviv region

256 samples of water from non-centralized sources of water supply (tube wells, public wells, catchment sources) in populated areas of the region were studied.

In the first half of the current year, 9.1% microbiological deviations and 6.2% sanitary-chemical deviations were found in the water of non-centralized water supply.

In particular, the drinking water of the following springs, which are popular in the Lviv region, located near highways and religious buildings, was studied:

· in Lviv

· in the park of Morshyn (No. 4)

· in the village Novosilky of Lviv district (Rakovets village)

· "Bochka" near the Lviv-Kyiv highway Zabolottsivska TG Zolochiv district

· in the village Plugov near the Lviv-Ternopil highway

· in the tract "Yaryna" in the village Naguyevych

· in the city of Stebnyk "District of 3 wells"

· in the village Yasenivtsi "Near the church" of Zolochiv district

· in the village The well "Near the church" of Mykolayivska TG

· in the city of Stary Sambir

places of mass recreation of PP "Favorit and D" near the lake "Zadorozhnye"

It should be noted that the water that Lviv residents traditionally use for drinking comes from the following popular sources:

· in the forest park "Pogulyanka"

· in the park "High Castle" (7 Zamkova St.)

· in the park "Zalizni Vody"

· in Stryi Park

near Spartak shopping center

· on the street Kypriana in Vynnyky

constantly does not meet sanitary standards by microbiological indicators - total coliforms (a large concentration of various types of bacteria) and sanitary and chemical indicators - general hardness, nitrates.

What is the content of iodine in drinking water in the territory of 18 communities of Lviv Oblast

During April, May, and June 2023, experts of the Center conducted monitoring studies of drinking water on the territory of 18 territorial communities of Lviv Oblast for iodine content.

In 83.7% of the tested drinking water, the iodine content is within the range of 13.8-19.8 μg/dm3 (with the norm of physiological needs for humans - 20-30 μg/dm3) *

The low content of iodine in drinking water according to the norms of physiological needs was found in the territory of the following territorial communities:

Brodivska - 17.8 μg/dm3

Buska - 16.5-19.7

Zolochivska - 16.2-19.8 μg/dm3

Yavorivska - 15.7-17.0 μg/dm3

Zhovkivska - 17.9 μg/dm3

Horodotska - 14.5-18.2 μg/dm3

Mykolaivska - 15.9-16.6% μg/dm3

Zhydachivska - 18.8 μg/dm3

Pustomytivska - 16.3-18.7 μg/dm3

Radehivska - 16.1-18.3 μg/dm3

Kamianka-Buzka - 13.8-19.2 μg/dm3

Przemyslyanska - 17.7-19.6 μg/dm3

Sokalska - 18.1 μg/dm3 Stryska - 16.0-17.7 μg/dm3 Sambirska - 17.0 μg/dm3

Chervonogradska - 18.6 μg/dm3

(*State sanitary norms and rules "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption" (DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10, appendix 4).

Ihor STELMAKH - doctor of the department of surveillance (observation) and prevention of non-infectious diseases of the Lviv Regional Center for Health Care of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine


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