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Prevention of hypothermia

There are a few simple rules, the implementation of which will allow you to avoid hypothermia and frostbite in severe cold: - wear loose clothes - this promotes normal blood circulation. Dress in such a way that there is an air layer between the layers of clothing that retains heat. It is advisable to wear outer clothing that does not get wet. Do not go out into the cold without gloves and a scarf. Gloves made of artificial materials do not protect well from frost, gloves made of water-repellent, air-tight fabric with fur inside keep warm best; - tight shoes, lack of insoles contribute to hypothermia. It is necessary to put warm insoles in the shoes, and instead of cotton socks, wear woolen ones - they absorb moisture and keep the feet dry; - in windy weather, lubricate the exposed parts of the body with a special cream; - do not smoke in the cold - smoking reduces peripheral blood circulation and makes the limbs more vulnerable to the effects of cold; - do not drink alcoholic beverages - alcohol intoxication contributes to the loss of heat, at the same time causing the illusion of heat; - it is advisable to take a thermos with hot tea with you on a long walk; - do not go out into the cold with wet hair. Do not wear wet clothes or wet shoes in the cold season; - before going out into the cold, it is advisable to eat - you need additional energy. It should be taken into account that thermoregulation has not yet been established in children, and in the elderly it is disturbed in some diseases. These categories are most susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia, so take this into account when planning winter walks; - if you feel hypothermia outdoors, immediately go to a warm place - a store, cafe, entrance - to warm up and inspect places of potential frostbite; - do not wear metal jewelry in the cold: metal cools to low temperatures faster than the body, rings on the fingers complicate blood circulation and contribute to frostbite of the limbs. How to recognize hypothermia in a child? Unfortunately, young children cannot tell that they are cold, so parents must be very vigilant. Hypothermia is primarily indicated by a decreased body temperature. If it drops below 35 degrees, the body is hypothermic. This condition is dangerous because the organs cannot function normally. In addition, hypothermia is also indicated by: • red and cold skin; • shallow breathing or its absence; • weak cry. Causes of hypothermia: • prolonged stay in wet clothes at low temperatures; • long stay in cold air; • influence of wet wind; • exposure to cold water. Prevention of hypothermia in children If you plan to spend a long time in the cold air with your child, make sure that you have the opportunity to periodically enter a warm room. Also, the child should be dressed in such a way as to ensure temperature comfort, do not forget about a hat and gloves. If the child starts to feel cold, immediately go into a warm room, change wet clothes to dry ones. If the measures taken by you do not help the baby to warm up, call for medical help. Remember: Your health is in your hands!


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