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Morning exercise: will it help to wake up faster?

The state when a person suddenly wakes up and has to do something, but is still half asleep and slowed down, is called sleep inertia. It is in the state of inertia of sleep that children who were woken up for school or kindergarten in the morning, as well as doctors, rescuers or security guards, who were suddenly awakened by a call during the night shift, often find themselves.

Morning exercise as a way to overcome the inertia of sleep looks reasonable. Is it really so, and then what exercises are effective?

Not everyone will be cheered up by a jolt after waking up - but first, let's figure out why it is so difficult to wake up in the morning.

Inertia, or a certain retardation, befalls a person who was raised during the phase of the so-called slow sleep. The inertia of sleep passes, as a rule, in 15-30 minutes, when the adrenal glands release the morning portion of cortisol, blood circulation in the front areas of the large cerebral hemispheres becomes more intense, the basic body temperature rises, and consciousness is activated. But sometimes this state can last up to 2 hours.

If, in a half-asleep state, you stand under a cold shower or start moving intensively to loud rhythmic music, the adrenal glands will react with a burst of cortisol, which will quickly turn on all the necessary metabolic processes of the brain and speed up the process of waking up. But these are stressors for the body. Is it necessary to do this always and for everyone? Unlikely.

There is no universal recipe for accelerating these changes and awakening, because people differ in chronotypes (time of optimal awakening and falling asleep), quality of sleep, microclimate in the room and circumstances of awakening, and many factors leave their mark on all this, and primarily the social environment, the psycho-emotional state of a person, gender and age, time of year. Therefore, for some people, a movement to major music will really help, and for someone, such activity will only spoil the whole coming day, and it is better for them to stretch their whole body and stretch their joints in bed.

In order to wake up refreshed in the morning, you first need to go to bed on time the day before and get a good night's sleep. This means that sleep should last 7.5 - 9 hours, a person falls asleep quickly enough and does not lie awake in the middle of the night, and wakes up easily in the morning. For a cheerful awakening in the morning, there should be light and warmth in the room. Rhythmic exercise or slow stretching with exercise bands and massage rollers - the choice is yours. The main thing is to wake up and feel comfortable, and not the action of unnecessary stressors.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine


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