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Living with HIV is not a sentence

Thanks to antiretroviral therapy, people can reach a state where they do not infect their sexual partner with HIV and can live a normal life, and pregnant women with an HIV-positive status can give birth to perfectly healthy children.

Ensuring the continuity of HIV treatment is a major task that has been complicated by the full-scale war. However, Ukraine has managed to overcome all the challenges so that people continue to receive treatment, and even build up a stockpile of antiretroviral drugs by the end of 2024.

It has also become easier to get medicines - now patients can get them not only at the place of registration, but also at the place of application. This is especially relevant for internally displaced persons.

However, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad can also receive free treatment.

Even in conditions of war, the state does everything to ensure proper treatment!

Take care of yourself and you and read the text to determine your HIV status.

It's very simple. Testing takes no more than 15 minutes.

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