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June 5 is World Environment Day

On this day, we will talk about the importance of drinking clean water and the prevention of water-nitrate methemoglobinemia. This disease is associated with water pollution with nitrates.

Where in Lviv Oblast is there an excess of nitrates in the water? We present the results of research in settlements where children under the age of 3 live

What is aqueous-nitrate methemoglobinemia?

Water-nitrate methemoglobinemia is caused by the toxic effect of nitrates (salts of nitric acid). Their excess in the body disrupts the transport of oxygen in the blood, so tissue oxygen starvation (hypoxia) develops.

Nitrate intoxication is associated with the formation of a high level of methemoglobin in the blood and the development of cyanosis.

Importantly! The risk of developing water-nitrate methemoglobinemia in children, especially in the first three years of life, is primarily related to the imperfection of the enzyme systems of a small organism.

How to prevent water-nitrate methemoglobinemia?

Regular water analysis allows you to control the content of toxic substances

According to the requirements of DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption", the permissible concentration of nitrates in drinking water is 50 mg/dm3. The permissible daily dose of nitrates for an adult is set at 5 mg/kg/day, and for young children – 2.5 mg/kg/day.

To prevent cases of water-nitrate methemoglobinemia in children, specialists of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine conduct monitoring studies of the nitrate content in water from individual wells, public wells and catchments (devices that allow collecting and bringing underground water to the surface for their measurement and use) in settlements where children under the age of 3 live.

Where in Lviv Oblast is there an excess of nitrates in the water?

Research results.

During the first three months of 2023, the Center's employees examined 537 samples of water from individual wells, public wells and catchments for sanitary and chemical indicators, none of which met the requirements of DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption » by nitrate content - 93 samples, which is 17.3%!

The greatest excesses of nitrate content in water were found in Zolochiv, Chervonograd, and Stryi districts.

The highest levels of nitrate content in water (exceeding by 2.5-7 times!) were found in the villages of Chernytsia, Pisochna, Demnya of the Stryi district, in the villages of Ulvivok, Lopatyn settlement of the Chervonograd district, in the villages of Bortkiv, Sknyliv of the Zolochiv district, in the village of Didyliv of the Lviv district .

How to protect yourself from consuming water with excessive nitrate content?

- do not use water from wells to prepare baby food;

- if possible, feed the baby with breast milk for as long as possible, even if the mother uses drinking water with a high concentration of nitrates, their content in breast milk is insignificant;

- do not use water from wells and springs, the content of nitrates of which exceeds the normative indicators;

- do not organize the storage of manure, latrines, cesspools within a radius of 50 m from wells and wells; (for individual wells – not less than 20 m);

- use mineral and organic fertilizers with care in agriculture and the private sector;

- observe hygienic requirements when arranging and operating wells (insulating the walls of the wells, arranging a clay lock around it, a fence, a canopy, a lid, a common bucket, etc.);

- disinfect the well.

We work to keep you healthy!


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