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It's hard to find people who like going to the dentist, isn't it?

But nevertheless, only Amazonian aborigines treat their own teeth, and then out of desperation. Why? Because you feel and see the result of self-treatment of teeth immediately. No one wants to risk their teeth.

And how does the treatment of teeth differ from the treatment of the stomach or, say, the liver? That's right, nothing... Except, of course, the procedures and the fact that you don't see the effects of the wrong treatment right away. But even if the negative result of such "treatment" is delayed, it will not disappear anywhere...

So why, despite the fact that drug manufacturers carefully warn us in every instruction about the dangers of self-medication, thousands of people with kamikaze desperation will compare their own symptoms with data from Internet resources and boldly go to the pharmacy to buy something "stronger" so that for sure...

The difference between such actions and treating a tooth with a home drill is not so great:

☛ the risk of serious adverse reactions - from mild dizziness or nausea to irreversible and even fatal consequences;

☛ probability of overdose in case of incorrect dosage or incompatibility of drugs;

☛ acquisition of resistance to treatment, i.e., with the next administration of this medicinal product, the effect gradually decreases or disappears completely;

☛ incorrect use of medicines due to lack of special professional skills (injections, etc.);

☛ opportunity

the occurrence of an allergic reaction, even anaphylactic shock;

☛ low effectiveness of treatment and, as a result, the suppression of a real problem that you do not notice and the transition of diseases into a chronic form;

☛ accession of secondary diseases due to incorrect treatment;

And this is only a small part of the risks that you yourself provoke.

The prescription of prescription drugs is a matter for the doctor. It is a clinical process that is based on many medical factors and requires a professional health assessment.

Take care of yourself and your health! Only a doctor will provide the most effective help by prescribing a prescription drug and issuing a convenient electronic prescription for it.


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