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Eye hygiene of schoolchildren

Through our eyes, we perceive the surrounding world: with the help of vision, we know what colors, shapes, sizes are, and learn the distance between objects. But the unfavorable environment, the wrong lifestyle lead to the fact that many children now have vision problems. In order to maintain sharp vision, eyes, like muscles, need to be trained, taken care of, and do special gymnastics.

Dear parents! Your child's vision is at risk if:

1. The child gets tired quickly during activities that require visual strain, complains of a headache, rubs his eyes while reading;

2. Eye redness is observed;

3. Brings a toy or book too close to his face, tilts his head when trying to examine something; or vice versa - pushes the object away;

4. The child's eyes look in different directions;

5. The child squints his eyes, closes one eye or blinks often to examine small details;

6. Aspires to sit closer to the TV, leans forward while playing on the computer;

7. The child has problems with movement in space (does not pay attention to foreign objects, drops things on the floor);

8. Academic performance in school decreases. This can happen when a child does not see what is written on the board, but is afraid to say it.

How can you save your vision?

Here are the basic rules to follow

1. The lighting of the place where the child works on homework should be double. That is, the upper diffused lighting and the left lateral one, which is aimed at a notebook or book, when reading, the book should be at a distance of 40 cm from the eyes, it is not allowed to lean low over the notebook while writing. You can't read in semi-darkness, but too bright light can tire your eyes.

2. In order to support normal vision and the functioning of the visual apparatus and help our eyes cope with everyday stresses, it is necessary to eat foods rich in antioxidants, in particular, foods that contain a lot of vitamins A, E and C. These vitamins fight free radicals , harmful both for vision and for the whole body as a whole. Blueberries help reduce eye fatigue with the help of vitamins B1 and C, as well as the pigment lutein, perfectly preserves its properties in frozen form, and even if you make jam from it. Thanks to beta-carotene, carrots help maintain visual acuity. You can make a carrot salad with sour cream or with the addition of cream. This method of cooking improves the assimilation of fat-soluble keratin. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins C, A, B1, B2, zinc, and lutein. Many different dishes can be prepared from pumpkin: salads, soups, porridges, and even desserts. Onions and garlic are rich in sulfur, so they can help restore visual clarity. Spinach leaves are rich in lutein, which prevents the development of cataracts. Constant use of products containing the above-mentioned vitamins improves eyesight by 7.0-20%.

3. It is also necessary to regularly do eye exercises. For example, these exercises will help relieve fatigue and improve vision: eye movements down-up and right-left, circular eyeball movements, cover eyes for 30 seconds, rapid blinking (20 times). These are very simple exercises, but they are very effective. Such gymnastics should be done regularly, at least 2 times a day.

4. In no case do not allow the child to read lying down or while eating.

5. Correct daily routine is important to avoid vision impairment. The child must move a lot, it is best to enroll schoolchildren in sports sections, such as badminton, tennis, volleyball and football. Games with a moving ball develop the focus of the intraocular muscles, because during the game you need to look in different directions all the time, near or far.

To avoid digital eye strain when using electronic devices, it is necessary to follow certain rules that will be useful to the child:

1. Every 20 minutes look into the distance for 20 seconds;

2. Alternately read electronic and printed books;

3. Make bookmarks in the books with a certain frequency so that they remind you that it is time to take a break and look out the window.

4. Avoid using devices outdoors and in brightly lit places. Glare on the screen can cause additional eye strain.

5. It is necessary to adjust the brightness and contrast parameters of the device screen to a comfortable level;

6. Maintain correct posture;

7. The optimal distance from the eyes to the device should be - from 45 to 60 cm;

Be healthy and take care of your eyes!


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