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Every fifth Ukrainian smokes. Every year, this deadly addiction takes 130,000 lives in Ukraine

It is because of smoking that the cardiovascular system stops functioning normally. Under the influence of tobacco smoke, blood cells stick to the walls of blood vessels and form blood clots, which can lead to angina, heart attack or stroke. In addition, smoking increases blood pressure and leads to hypertension.

Tobacco use is an addiction, but anyone can give it up. Scroll through the series - there are practical recommendations that will help you say goodbye to smoking forever.

And to determine your level of addiction to tobacco and find more advice on quitting — go to the website

And remember: there is no such thing as safe smoking - even a few cigarettes that you smoke every now and then will still harm your heart and blood vessels.

Find out about your risk of developing heart and vascular diseases using a quick test on the website:

Take care of your heart - give up tobacco and nicotine!

The initiative takes place within the framework of the Ukrainian-Swiss project "Acting for Health".


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