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Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the leading cause of death in Ukraine

Like all chronic diseases, they develop over years, slowly but irreversibly, and depend on many factors at the same time. First of all, from the way of life, and heredity, loneliness, social position and type of professional activity are added to it.

What can we change in our lives to prevent coronary heart disease, hypertension and myocardial infarction?

These steps prevent cardiovascular disease:

☛ Give up smoking and nicotine-containing products, consume as little alcohol as possible. Smokers are three times more likely to die of a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest and twice as likely to die of a stroke. Quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake are the best things you can do for your heart health.

☛ Measure blood glucose, total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein levels. Take these tests every year or as directed by your doctor. In the case of diabetes, the level of glucose in the blood is constantly monitored.

☛ Keep your blood pressure under control: measure your blood pressure, take medicine as prescribed to prevent hypertension, reduce your salt intake (less salt in your food and avoid sausages).

☛ Stay physically active at any age. No, not all people should run 10 km or row - you need to do the exercises and actions that are possible in your case: walking, exercises with dumbbells (water bottles) or training bands, etc.

☛ If your body mass index exceeds 25, and more than 30 kg/m2, analyze the reasons for weight gain with a doctor and/or psychotherapist and make a plan to normalize your body weight. It is not easy, especially in the case of obesity, and it is still necessary to optimize the lifestyle or find the organic reason for gaining weight, if there is one.

☛ Eat healthy. Choose, first of all, whole seasonal local products of plant origin, cereals, lean poultry, eggs and fish. Heart-healthy food is margarine-free, low in animal fat, salt and added sugar.

☛ Stress resistance. We're not telling you to "stop stressing," because that's impossible. The ability to tolerate uncertainty, acceptance of the things we cannot change, and responsibility for what we can control help us survive difficult times.

☛ Regularly visit your therapist or family doctor, with whom you signed the declaration, and undergo preventive screenings on time. If necessary, your doctor will refer you to an EKG.

Importantly! All services provided by a primary care physician are 100% guaranteed free of charge - they are paid for by the National Health Service of Ukraine from your taxes.

Source: Ministry of Health


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