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December 10 is Human Rights Day

This is an opportunity to once again remind about the importance of human rights, the need for global solidarity, interconnectedness and humanity.

Human Rights Day is celebrated on the proposal of the UN General Assembly, marking the anniversary of the adoption by the Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The Declaration proclaims the inalienable rights inherent in every human being regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, status or other status.

Thus, the Declaration occupies an important place among international legal documents that define human rights in the field of health care. According to Article 25 of the Declaration, everyone has the right to medical care. Yes, the patient must have access to high-quality and effective medical care, the right to independently choose a doctor and health care facility.

Details - at the link:

Джерело: Центр громадського здоров'я


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