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Analysis of drinking water and other studies: where to do it?

If you decide to research the water you drink, this information will help you find answers to the questions: where to do the research, what should be the indicators, how to draw a conclusion based on the research results?

Before using water from the water supply network, wells or springs, pump stations, bottling points or packaged water, it is extremely important to know its quality. This can be assessed only after conducting a special study (analysis) of the quality of drinking water, as well as choosing the right filters for cleaning.

Theoretically, water analysis can be done independently, but in practice it is difficult and expensive. Therefore, the best option is to seek help from specialized laboratories. These can be analytical laboratories of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health or other laboratories.

The main conditions for the professionalism of laboratories are: their state accreditation with the determination of the ability of laboratories to conduct reliable certain researches in the required volumes, the availability of modern equipment, staffing of laboratories with qualified specialists.

Therefore, taking into account the specified factors, you can order the necessary water analysis with a different number of indicators. Specialized accredited laboratories can provide the most complete picture.

In accordance with DSanPiN 2.24-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption", which is the main normative legal document, regarding the quality of drinking water, its quality must meet the hygienic standards for microbiological indicators, in particular, virological, parasitological indicators, sanitary-chemical and radiological indicators.

The entire procedure of sample selection, their delivery to the laboratory, delivery time, used containers, selection conditions, sampling points is regulated by state regulatory documents, in particular, rules, state standards, methodological guidelines, etc. Compliance with the specified requirements will make it possible to reliably conduct the necessary research and obtain a real result.

Carrying out laboratory tests of drinking water is not as simple and generally accessible as it is highlighted in many posts on Internet sites and requires special knowledge and compliance with the necessary algorithms.

The conclusions based on the results of the conducted research must be entered in the research protocol and signed by the responsible person who conducted the research or who has this right according to the educational competence to interpret the results of the analysis.

State University "Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" and its separate divisions in the administrative territories of the region provide services for conducting laboratory studies of drinking water for all types of the above-mentioned studies: sanitary-chemical, microbiological, parasitological, toxicological, virological, radiological. The right to conduct the above-mentioned types of laboratory research and other types of work and services is guaranteed by the relevant licenses and certificates.

Also, the Center can carry out laboratory tests of mineral and distilled water, as well as surface water.

For reference:

DU "Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" carries out a wide range of laboratory and instrumental research and tests on the order of legal and natural persons-entrepreneurs and citizens.

The center carries out microbiological, virological, parasitological, sanitary-hygienic, toxicological-hygienic, physical, radiological, molecular-genetic and other studies on the safety of factors that can dangerously affect human health in territories, buildings, structures, raw materials, products, objects of the production environment, drinking water, soil, air and other objects of the environment.

Diagnostic studies of biomaterial (blood, urine, feces, nasopharyngeal washings) are also carried out for the presence of pathogens of infectious and parasitic diseases (measles, rubella, viral hepatitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, enterobiosis, ascariasis, giardiasis, etc.), including particularly dangerous ones infections (anthrax, botulism, leptospirosis, brucellosis, etc.) and COVID-19, as well as research on blood-sucking Ixodes ticks, which can be carriers of various infectious diseases.

To order the above-mentioned works, please contact the "Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" at the address - Lviv, str. Krupyarska, 27,

telephones (032) 2601664, +38(097)5735-686, as well as to separate units of the Center. Detailed information on the website


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