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A 23-year-old resident of Lviv Oblast contracted leptospirosis while fishing

The man spent more than a week in the intensive care unit of the infectious disease hospital - ZAXID.NET

A 23-year-old resident of Pustomytiv Oblast was brought to the Lviv Regional Infectious Disease Hospital by an "ambulance" in extremely serious condition. The man was immediately hospitalized in the intensive care unit. He was diagnosed with an infectious disease - leptospirosis, which he most likely contracted while fishing.

The man fell ill at the end of June, but did not immediately go to the doctors. At first he had a headache, nausea, cough, the temperature rose to 38-40 degrees. Later, pain in the calves and jaundice were added to these symptoms. The weakness in his legs was such that he could not walk. Already in the infectious disease hospital, the patient was diagnosed with liver and kidney failure.

Epidemiologists of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine found out that the day before the man was engaged in agricultural work: he mowed hay, worked on the land. A few days before his illness, he swam in a local reservoir, dived, fished and injured his hand with a fishing hook. So, most likely, he contracted leptospirosis there.

The man spent more than a week in the intensive care unit, and was later treated in the ward. He was discharged home last week and is still receiving outpatient treatment.

According to doctors, people are most often infected with leptospirosis in late summer-early autumn, when they swim in water bodies not intended for swimming, catch fish, clean basements, etc.

The bacterium that causes leptospirosis in humans enters the water with the urine of infected animals, most often rodents, it can also be cattle, dogs, and wild animals. The disease is not transmitted from person to person.

The bacterium enters the human body through cracks, cuts or wounds on the skin or mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth). Eating contaminated food can also cause illness.

A person can get sick between two days and four weeks after being infected. Symptoms range from mild (headache, fever, muscle pain, red eyes, diarrhea, rash) to severe (kidney damage, liver damage, meningitis) and even death.

To avoid the disease, doctors advise wearing gloves when working with the earth, not swimming in water bodies that are not intended for swimming, washing hands more often and fighting rodents in the house and household.

In total, in Lviv Oblast, specialists of the Lviv Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of the country recorded four cases of leptospirosis in six months.


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