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23 victims sought medical help due to snake venom

These are data in Ukraine.

Lviv region – 11 cases, according to the data of the Public Health Center as of June 30, 2023

Compared to previous years, 17 and 7 fewer appeals were recorded, respectively.

Due to the full-scale invasion of Russia, constant shelling of the territory of Ukraine, occupation and mining of some territories, the registration of cases decreased, and no cases were recorded in the territory of the occupied regions of Ukraine.

Importantly! Snakes in Ukraine are active from April to October, the most likely to meet them is in April-May, during the mating season. The second peak is in autumn, in September.

How to provide first aid for a snake bite?

● ensure calmness and a minimum of movements;

● give plenty of water;

● treat the bite site with an antiseptic;

● give the victim 1-2 tablets of allergy medicine;

● apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the wound;

● fix the affected limb during transportation.

Source: Public Health Center


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